Broken Ribs: The Best Rib Fracture Treatment in Delhi

broken ribs delhi india

Understanding Broken Ribs and Rib Fractures

Broken ribs, also known as rib fractures, can be a painful and debilitating injury. They occur when one or more of the ribs crack or break due to trauma. Most common causes of trauma are a fall or a direct blow to the chest like in cases of road traffic accidents or assualt. Occasionally, especially in patients with osteoporosis or cancer, rib fractures can occur on coughing.

Ribs 1 through 3 are the hardest to break and signify a significant degree of trauma if fractured. Ribs 4 through 10 are typically the most vulnerable while ribs 11 through 12 are more mobile and therefore more difficult to break.

When a rib is fractured, it can cause sharp pain, especially during breathing or movement. Other symptoms may include difficulty in taking deep breaths, tenderness and swelling around the injured area, and bruising around the area of injury or impact. In some cases, broken ribs can lead to more severe complications, such as punctured lungs or damage to internal organs. It can lead to:

  • collection of air outside lungs (Pneumothorax)
  • collection of blood outside lungs (Hemothorax)
  • Internal bleeding inside the air sacs of the lungs (contusions)

Seeking Medical Help for Broken Ribs

If you suspect that you have broken ribs, it is important to seek medical help immediately. While many cases of broken ribs can heal on their own with time and proper care, some may require medical intervention.

During your medical evaluation, your doctor may order imaging tests, such as an X-ray or a CT scan, to confirm the diagnosis and evaluate the extent of the rib fracture. They will also evaluate for any associated injuries that may require additional treatment. Based on their findings, your doctor will recommend the best course of treatment for your broken ribs.

Broken Ribs or Rib Fracture Treatment Options

The treatment options for broken ribs depend on the severity and location of the fractures, as well as the presence of any associated injuries. In most cases, broken ribs can be managed with non-surgical treatments, such as pain medication, rest, and breathing exercises. However, in more severe cases, surgical intervention may be necessary.

Non-surgical Treatments for Broken Ribs

For mild to moderate cases of broken ribs, which are undisplaced, non-surgical treatments are usually sufficient.

The primary goal of non-surgical treatment is to:

  • manage pain
  • promote healing

Your doctor may prescribe pain medication to help alleviate discomfort. They may also recommend over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). In case of multiple rib fractures and severe pain your doctor may put an Epidural catheter in the back for better pain relief.

Just like any other bones, rest is essential for healing broken ribs. Rib fractures usually requires at least six weeks of rest for the healing. However unlike other bones there are no casts or plasters or bandages that are put around the fractured ribs. Your doctor may advise you to avoid strenuous activities and movements that exacerbate the pain. However, it is important to engage in gentle exercises and deep breathing exercises to prevent complications such as pneumonia or lung collapse. Your doctor or a Physiotherapist can guide you through these exercises.

Because ribs cannot be fixed in a cast, sometimes the fractures do not heal properly. This relatively common condition is called “malunion” and can be very painful, even several years after the initial trauma.

Surgical Options for Rib Fractures or Broken Ribs

In severe cases of broken and displaced ribs, surgical intervention may be necessary to ensure proper healing and prevent further complications. Surgical treatment options for rib fractures include internal fixation and rib plating. Internal fixation involves using metal plates, screws, or wires to stabilize the fractured ribs, allowing them to heal in the correct position. Rib plating is a procedure where special plates are attached to the ribs to provide stability during the healing process.

Surgery for rib fractures is typically reserved for cases where there is a high risk of complications or when non-surgical treatments have been ineffective. The usual conditions are:

  • Severe chest pain refractory to medicines
  • Severely displaced rib fractures causing injury to underlying lung
  • Flail chest with persistent respiratory failure
  • Flail chest with inability to wean off the ventilator

When there is more than one site of fracture of one single rib and this is seen in three or more contiguous ribs, you can have a condition called “flail chest”. This is very painful and can severely impair breathing. A novel technique for repair of these fractures uses Titanium plates.

broken ribs treatment

Tips for Managing Pain and Discomfort of Broken Ribs

Managing pain and discomfort is an essential aspect of recovering from broken ribs. Here are some tips to help you alleviate the symptoms and promote healing:

  1. Take pain medication as prescribed by your doctor to manage the discomfort. Follow the recommended dosage and frequency.
  2. Apply a cold compress or ice pack to the affected area for short periods to reduce swelling and numb the pain.
  3. Avoid activities or movements that cause pain or discomfort. Rest is crucial for the healing process.
  4. Practice deep breathing exercises to prevent complications such as pneumonia or lung collapse.
  5. Maintain good posture to minimize strain on the ribcage and promote proper healing.

Rehabilitation and Recovery After Rib Fracture Treatment

After receiving rib fracture treatment, whether non-surgical or surgical, rehabilitation and recovery are essential for regaining strength and mobility. Your doctor may recommend physiotherapy to help you rebuild the muscles around the injured ribs and improve your overall lung function.

During rehabilitation, you will gradually increase your activity level and engage in exercises tailored to your specific needs. These exercises may include stretching, strengthening, and breathing exercises. Physical therapists will guide you through the rehabilitation process, ensuring that you progress at a safe and appropriate pace.

It is important to follow the recommended rehabilitation plan diligently and communicate any concerns or difficulties to your healthcare provider. With time and proper rehabilitation, most individuals can regain full function and resume their normal activities.

The Best Rib Fracture Treatment in Delhi and India

Dr. Kamran Ali is an expert in managing all kinds of chest injuries including rib fractures. He follows a scientific and evidence based approach to individualize treatment for every patient. He is proficient in managing rib fractures both with and without surgery, as per the clinical requirement.


Healing broken ribs can be a challenging and painful process, but with the right treatment and care, recovery is possible. Whether you require non-surgical treatments or surgical intervention, seeking prompt medical help is crucial. Follow your doctor’s recommendations, manage pain and discomfort effectively, and engage in rehabilitation to regain strength and mobility.

If you suspect you have a broken rib or are experiencing symptoms, do not hesitate to seek medical attention. The sooner you receive the appropriate treatment, the faster you can begin your journey towards healing and recovery.

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