Surgery for Hydatid Cyst of Lung

Hydatid cyst of lung

The treatment of the lung hydatid cyst is largely, surgery.

Understanding Hydatid Cysts of the Lung:

Hydatid cysts, caused by the larval stage of the Echinococcus parasite (dog tape worm), can affect various organs, including the lungs. Hydatid disease involves the lungs by various mechanisms. Human acquires the infection by the ingestion of eggs mixed with uncooked vegetables, fruits, and drinking water, or by handling the soil and dirt or by direct contact with animal hair containing eggs. These cysts may grow over time, leading to a range of symptoms and complications, necessitating timely and targeted intervention.

Surgery for Hydatid Cysts of the Lung

When it comes to treating hydatid cysts of the lung, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Each case demands individualized consideration, factoring in the cyst’s size, location, and proximity to vital structures.

There is a range of surgical procedures which is currently being practiced; however, there is no scientific consensus over selection of these operative interventions. The extent and severity of the disease clearly dictates the choice of surgical intervention and patients need to be individualized for adequate and safer management.

Open Surgery for Lung Hydatid Cyst

In cases where the hydatid cyst is extensive or poses a higher risk of rupture, open surgical excision may be recommended. This traditional approach involves creating a larger incision to gain direct access to the cyst. While open surgery may entail a slightly longer recovery period, it allows for more comprehensive removal of the cyst and any associated complications.

Lung Hydatid Cyst

The surgeon may choose any of the below mentioned techniques:

  • Enucleation (Ugon method)
  • Pericystectomy (Perez-Fontana method)
  • Cystostomy with capitonnage (Barrett’s method)
  • Cystostomy with closure of the bronchial openings & capitonnage (Posadas method)
  • Segmental resection
  • Lobectomy

Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS) for Lung Hydatid Cyst

VATS has emerged as a safe and feasible technique for the removal of hydatid cysts in the lung. This minimally invasive procedure involves making small incisions and utilizing a thoracoscope (a tiny camera) to visualize the cyst and surrounding tissues. Through these incisions, we delicately remove the cyst, ensuring minimal trauma to healthy lung tissue. VATS offers several advantages, including reduced post-operative pain, shorter hospital stays, and quicker recoveries.

Combined Surgery Approaches for Lung Hydatid Cyst

In complex cases, a hybrid approach that combines VATS and open surgical techniques may be employed. This strategy enables us to achieve optimal outcomes while minimizing potential risks.

Algorithm for management of Lung Hydatid Cysts

The protocol we follow at our institute is similar to this flowchart that follows. An essential part of the treatment is knowing when to start and stop the medical therapy with Albendazole or Mebendazole


Following surgery for hydatid cyst of the lung, a comprehensive post-operative plan is essential for your successful recovery. My team and I provide diligent post-operative care, ensuring that you are monitored closely during the healing process. We focus on pain management, respiratory therapy, and rehabilitation to facilitate a smooth and efficient recovery.


Thank you for joining us on the exploration of surgery for hydatid cyst of the lung. We have uncovered the diverse surgical approaches available, each tailored to your specific needs. Remember, the path to healing is navigated with personalized care, precision, and hope.

(Note: The information provided in this blog is for patient education purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. It is essential to consult a qualified medical professional for personalized diagnosis and treatment.)

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